
The Media Governance and Industries Research Lab, established by Professor Sarikakis in 2011, studies the processes of and challenges posed by governance of communication processes and the media in relation to Democracy, Citizenship and Human Rights.

Governance is understood as a dynamic and process determined concept, which contains a sum of processes derived and impacted upon by institutions, the law, values and principles, regulatory frameworks, as well as practices that shape media and communicative spaces and processes.

Our principles

Our work is both theory and practice driven, aiming to bridge academic systematic enquiry and theory together with applicability and solution driven research. Our work is hostage to neither direction. Yet, the Lab's commitment is to engage actively with world affairs and real world research and to pursue research with social responsibility.

The Lab is hostage to no methodological dogmas: we engage in established and innovative research methods  as these may be useful to help us answer appropriate, relevant, timely research questions- not the other way around. Seeking the best methodological tools means being also  active in developing new methods that are best suited to help provide answers to the research questions we ask.

Our research and epistemological ethics is underpinned by a commitment to a margins-activated research, especially in providing critique standards and measures. As such, and with an ethical compass firmly on real world research, our research is engaged and engaging aiming to supportng the betterment of the human condition.



  • February 1, 2025
    New project ANIMA MUNDI started!
    The research project IP, Discoverability and Partnerships: Reviving the International Promotion of European Values Through European Animation Industry Ecosystem (Anima Mundi) is funded by the EU within the framework of Horizon Europe
  • January 16, 2025
    New research “Behind the Screen: Gender Inequalities in Video Gaming and Film Industries”
    by Prof. Katharine Sarikakis, Oleksandra Gudkova and Angeliki Chatziefraimidou was presented at the the “Inequalities and Diversity in the Arts and Creative Industries” conference held on January 16, 2025, at the Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts, Birmingham City University. The study explores both commonalities and unique challenges women of the creative and media industries of gaming and film in Europe experience.
  • December 1, 2024
    New ERASMUS+ project: The EuroCivic Lab Project.
    Starting December 1, an international consortium involving Katharine Sarikakis as PI for the Viennese part project has been working on an European Union-funded Erasmus+ project.

Our research foci are 

  • Social Media and Information Platforms and Technologisation of Citizens-Users' Rights
  • Digital Policies and Social Change
  • Gender and feminist enquiry in Media and Communication Governance
  • Global Governance and the Process and Politics of Media and Cultural Governance

  Lab News

Information Malaise and Europe: Refugee voices for Democracy

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence FREuDe is organizing an Open-Door Workshop: “Information Malaise and Europe: Refugee voices for Democracy”.

  From our blog


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