


Publications forthcoming

Ramadani, G., & Sarikakis, K. (in progress, 2026). How public service media in Germany and Austria are transforming their organisational practices in times of platformisation? In H. Bruun, C. Johnson, T. Raats, & V. S. Sundet (Eds.), Special issue of Convergence: Comparative Approaches to Public Service Media in the Age of Platforms. Nordicom.

Sarikakis, K., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (forthcoming, 2026). AI and Privacy: The Urgent Need for Children’s Media Literacy. In Revista Comunicando.

Sarikakis, K., Chatziefraimidou, A., Ramadani, G., Haslauer, S., & Yeroshkina, M. (forthcoming, 2026). Face/Off: Youth as creators of cinematic resistance. In Film, storytelling, and social transformation: Cinematic justice. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.

Sarikakis, K. & Ramadani, G. (forthcoming, 2026). The evolution of public service media governance: Navigating crises, participatory models, and democratic imperatives in the wake of ERT shutdown. In RIPE@2024: Public service media for innovation and sustainability. University of Westminster Press.

Sarikakis, K., Ramadani, G., Chatziefraimidou, A., & Jüngst, J. (2026). Young people and the European film industry: The governance of ‘near misses’. In K. Sarikakis, M. Dâmaso, T. Lähdesmäki, F. Ramos Arenas, & A. Vlassis (Eds.), The governance of competitiveness in the European film industry. Palgrave Macmillan.

​​Sarikakis, K., & Ramadani, G. (forthcoming, 2025). Shots and sequence in the EU’s governance of gender equality in the film industry in EU development cooperation policy. In T. Lähdesmäki & E. Psychogiopoulou (Eds.), Cultural governance and EU external policies: The case of film, International Journal of Cultural Policy.

 Sarikakis, K., Ramadani, G., & Jüngst, J. (in press, 2025). And… Action! The politics of youth collectives shaping documentary filmmaking in Europe. In L. Dean, Z. Zhu, V. Kishore, T. W. Whyke, & R. Frenneaux (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of global documentary and cinematic storytelling. Bloomsbury Academic ,London, UK.


Conference Presentations

Sarikakis, K., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (forthcoming). AI and the Information Era: The Urgent Need for Media Literacy. Paper presented at the ICA 2025 Conference, Disrupting and Consolidating Communication Research, Denver, Colorado, USA. June 12-16.

Sarikakis, K., Winter L., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (forthcoming). Balancing Safety and Freedom: Children’s Views on Parental Mediation in Digital Privacy. Paper presented at the ICA 2025 Conference, Disrupting and Consolidating Communication Research, Denver, Colorado, USA. June 12-16.

Ramadani, G., (2025) panel member: Głowacki, M. (Chair), Mikucki, J., Kowalski, T., Ramadani, G., Ramos Arenas, F., Wysocka-Koerber, E., & Zawisza, A. (2025, January 22-24). Reboot debate: Cultural audiovisual heritage for the public good and European competitiveness. Panel at the Knowledge Exchange Workshop: Reinventing Public Service Media for the Age of Platforms: Organisation, Culture, and Independence, Warsaw, Poland.

Sarikakis, K., Gudkova, O., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (2025). Behind the screen: Gender inequalities in video gaming and film industries. Paper presented at the CEDIA Conference: Inequalities and Diversity in the Arts and Creative Industries, Birmingham City University,  Birmingham, UK, January 16.

Ramadani, G., & Sarikakis, K. (2024). The role of public service media in promoting public value through film support: The case of Austria, Albanian and Greece. Paper presented at the 15th Annual International Small Cinemas Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, November 5-7.

Sarikakis, K., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (2024). Small but mighty: Fringes empowering European filmmaking in small markets. Paper presented at the 15th Annual International Small Cinemas Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, November 5-7.

Sarikakis, K., Chatziefraimidou, A., Juengst, J., & Ramadani, G. (2024). Young people and the European film industry: The governance of ‘near misses’. Paper presented at the ECREA 2024 Conference, Communication and Social (Dis)order, Ljubljana, Slovenia.September 24-27.

Sarikakis, K., Winter L., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (2024). Guardians of digital privacy: Unravelling children’s perceptions beyond parental control. Paper presented at the ECREA 2024 Conference, Communication and Social (Dis)order, Ljubljana, Slovenia. September 24-27.


Conference accepted

Ramadani, G., & Sarikakis, K. (2025). Public value and economic impact in the European film industry: A case study of Austria and Greece. Abstract submitted to the Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI 2025).



Sarikakis, K., Biltereyst, D., Ramadani, G., Chatziefraimidou, A., Van Landschoot, J., Haslauer, S., & Zogo, Y.S.C. (in progress, 2025). Recommendations on innovation for European film creators. Reboot Project (Reviving, Boosting, Optimising and Transforming European Film Competitiveness – REBOOT), funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101094769.

Sarikakis, K., Chatziefraimidou, A., & Ramadani, G. (2025). Annual AB reports and Recommendations. The Reboot Project (Reviving, Boosting, Optimising and Transforming European Film Competitiveness – REBOOT), funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No.101094769.

Sarikakis, K., Ramadani, G., Chatziefraimidou, A., & Jüngst, J. (2024). Producing value through the moving images: An analysis of public value and its cultural contribution to the strength and competitiveness of the European film sector. Governance and Public Value Report, Reboot Project (Reviving, Boosting, Optimising and Transforming European Film Competitiveness – REBOOT), funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No.101094769.



Blog posts Public Communication

Chatziefraimidou, A. (2025). Children’s University Workshop 3,2,1…and action!, Blogpost on

Chatziefraimidou, A. (2025). Educational Plan: Introduction to Filmmaking, Blogpost on

Zogo, Y.S.C. (2025). Reboot @ KinderUni: Inspiring the next generation of filmmakers, Blogpost on

Haslauer, S. (2025). Teaching Through Inquiry: REBOOT’s effort to educate against and beyond boundaries, Blogpost on

Ramadani, G. (2025). Co-production is the future! Interview with Otwin Biernat* A Journey Through Film and Storytelling, Blogpost on

Ramadani, G. (2023). Cinematography and Society: In Conversation With Kujtim Çashku

Juengst, J. (2023).Women in the Film Industry: Leaky Pipeline Phenomenon  


Policy briefs

Sarikakis, K., Ramadani, G., Juengst, J., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (2023). Engagement and inclusion of young people in the European film industry. Policy brief. Reboot Project (Reviving, Boosting, Optimising and Transforming European Film Competitiveness – REBOOT), funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No.101094769.

Ramadani, G., Sarikakis, K., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (2025). Public value as a factor of competitiveness of the European film industry: Insights from six European markets. Policy brief. Reboot Project (Reviving, Boosting, Optimising and Transforming European Film Competitiveness – REBOOT), funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101094769.


Research Talks

Sarikakis, K., Ramadani, G., Jüngst, J. & Chatziefraimidou, A. (2024). Governance of competitiveness in the European film industry (Reboot project). Research talks, University of Vienna, Department of Communication. June 3.





Gudkova, O., & Sarikakis, K. (2023). Proactive and optimal protection of children's digital privacy as the cornerstone for European democracies. Policy Brief, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence FREuDe - Researching Communication, Facts and Regulation for Europe. August 15.

Gudkova, A. & Sarikakis, K., (2018) Public Relations for social change: Shock tactics in feminist activism in Eastern Europe In Adi, A. (EdHrsg.). Protest Public Relations: Communicating dissent and activismLondon: Routledge, S. 87-105 19 S.

Bagnall, G., Crawford, G., Gislam, C., Gosling, V., Stukoff, M., Simpson, S., Yodovich, N., Alfonzo L,, Bouwels, L,, C, T., Gudkova O., Haggis-Burridge M., Hamari J., Hassreiter S., Ilesanmi F., Klimas P., Klock A., Kościewicz D., Radomska J., Sarikakis K., Sicevic N., Strzelec G., Sundvik Y. & Wrona S. (2024). Workshops report. Developed by the Horizon Europe project GAMEHEARTS (Games, Heritage, Arts, & Sport: the economic, social, and cultural value of the European video game ecosystem – GAMEHEARTS), funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101132543.

Sarikakis, K; Gudkova, O; Alfonzo, L; Kartal, E., Winter L. (2024). EU/Comparative Policy Report. Developed by the Horizon Europe project GAMEHEARTS (Games, Heritage, Arts, & Sport: the economic, social, and cultural value of the European video game ecosystem – GAMEHEARTS), funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101132543.



Alibegovic, S., Gudkova O., Sarikakis K. (2024). Amplifying Youth Voices: Institutional and Digital Strategies to Counter Hate Speech in Southeast Europe [Paper presentation]. II Istria Media Days, Media for Social Inclusion and Integration: Challenges for Competence of Social  Discourse and Social Culture (online). September 14-16.

Sarikakis, K., & Gudkova, O. (2024). Making shame public: Female journalists countering hate speech. Paper presented at the ECREA 2024 Conference, Communication and Social (Dis)order, Ljubljana, Slovenia. September 24-27.

Sarikakis, K., Gudkova, O., & Chatziefraimidou, A. (2025). Behind the screen: Gender inequalities in video gaming and film industries. Paper presented at the CEDIA Conference: Inequalities and Diversity in the Arts and Creative Industries, Birmingham City University,  Birmingham, UK, January 16.

latest update: 05 March, 2025