Research Directions
Research Directions
The following are the overarching research directions our research lab is actively involved in and developing:
- Social Media and Information Platforms and Technologisation of Citizens-Users' Rights'
In this strand of research we explore the challenges posed by social media (and social networks) and other information platforms (such as search engines and ‘metamedia’) on existing media policies and regulatory frameworks, as well as processes of change of norms and structures related to existing communication and citizens' rights.
- Digital Policies and Social Change
The ways in which policies address digital communication challenges and their impact on social life is the focus of this work. In particular, we examine three areas of digital policy: privacy in social media, intellectual property and digital content, freedom of expression and 'filtering'. We are exploring these issues within the particular frame of crisis.
- Global Integration, and the Process and Politics of Media and Cultural Governance
This strand is a continuation of a long-term study into the processes of media policy-making on European levels and their connections to international dimensions of governance: we explore the role of institutions, new actors and new constellations of ‘alliances’ in the construction of policy 'flows'. The strand comprises of different sub-areas and in particular
... the study of European integration and the development of media and cultural policies
... the role of European and US policies in Latin America and the role of regional formations (MERCOSUR).
... the role of media and cultural governance in the pursuit of social cohesion.