Jean Monnet Ringvorlesung: Crises, Democracy and the Media in Europe (2023)
The Jean-Monnet-Ringvorlesung Course aims to address acute questions that challenge European democracies and the media environment. There will be seven double sessions held by experts that bring in different perspectives on that matter, predominantly through the lenses of media and communication governance. The course explores various dimensions of “Critical Issues” in the context of European democracies and media including recent developments in journalism and its credibility, issues that evolve around the topic of fake news and news reporting about violence against women. Another focus lies within the topic of youth and their relation to media and journalism. The whole lecture series discusses questions referring to the processes and ways in which practices in and through media and communication strengthen, dispute and challenge or re-envision democracies and the media in Europe in times of crises.
The Lecture Series covered the following topics:
Katharine Sarikakis:
Introduction to the course
Sophie Lecheler:
Fear and Loathing in the Newsroom: The Role of Emotion in Safeguarding Quality Political Journalism in Europe
Lecheler, S. (2020). The emotional turn in journalism needs to be about audience perceptions. _Digital journalism_, _8_(2), 287-291.
Vasilopoulou, S., & Wagner, M. (2017). Fear, anger and enthusiasm about the European Union: Effects of emotional reactions on public preferences towards European integration. _European Union Politics_, _18_(3), 382-405.
Folker Hanusch:
Journalism and its boundaries: Dimensions of peripherality in the journalistic field
Carlson, M. 2015. "Introduction: The Many Boundaries of Journalism." In Boundaries of Journalism, edited by Carlson, M. & Lewis, S.C., pp. 1–18. New York: Routledge.
Eldridge, S. A. (2017). Online journalism from the periphery: Interloper media and the journalistic field. London: Routledge.
Matthias Leichtfried:
"Fake News": Demokratiepolitische Herausforderung im Zeichen technologischer Entwicklungen
Appel, Markus (Hg.) (2020): Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News, „Lügenpresse", Clickbait & Co. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Sachbuch).
Frankfurt, Harry G. (2009): On Bullshit. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Petra Herczeg:
Fit for democracy – Jugendliche und Journalismus. Informationsverhalten, Einstellungen und Bedürfnisse. The need for participation in the digital
Alsulaiman, S. A., & Rentner, T. L. (2021). Information seeking behaviors and media credibility among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 6(4), 1–21. DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2021.1981330
Cheng Stahl, C., & Literat, Ioana (2022). #GenZ on TikTok: the collective online self-Portrait of the social media generation, Journal of Youth Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2022.2053671
Gisela Reiter:
Credibility and Compatibility – the Austrian Corruption Scandal and Compliance in Journalism
“Media under pressure. The Austrian corruption scandal and the trust in media coverage.” at RIPE@2022 (Vienna, September 2022)
“Faked surveys and the Austrian corruption scandal – How recipients evaluate the trustworthiness of political media coverage and polls” at PROTAGORAS Symposium (Belgium, June 2022)
Birgit Wolf:
Gender-based violence and the media
Jean Monnet Ringvorlesung: Crises, Democracy and the Media in Europe (2019)
The Jean-Monnet-Ringvorlesung Course addresses acute questions regarding the process and challenges to European integration through the lenses of media and communication governance and in particular against the background of crisis. In this context, ‘crisis’ refers to a ‘break from the norm’ a ‘state of emergency’ and the deployment of ‘emergency' i.e. exceptional 'measures'.The course explores various dimensions of ‘crisis’, including, but not limited to, the protracted financial crisis in the past ten years. Other forms of crises include institutional and political crisis and a crisis of legitimacy, questions of regulatory crisis, as well as the crisis of trust in the polity and the media.
The Lecture Series covered the following topics:
Katharine Sarikakis:
Introduction to the course
The place of communication in European integration: A need for Europe?
Sarikakis, K., & Wessels, B. (2018): The dynamics of social media, political culture, and communication governance in civic participation. In Tobias Eberwein, Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler & Corinna Wenzel (eds.): Changing media – changing democracy? The democratic potential of social media. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, pp. 219-235
Sarikakis, K., Koukou, A., & Winter, L. (2018). "Banal" Europeanized national public spheres? Framing the Eurozone crisis in the European elite press. International Journal of Communication, 12, 3454–3472.
Heinz Gärtner:
Small European States and Neutrality
Gärtner, H. (Ed.) (2017). Engaged Neutrality: An Evolved Approach to the Cold War. Lexington Books.
Gärtner, H. (2017). Austria: Engaged Neutrality. In A. Cottey (Ed.), The European Neutrals and NATO: Non-alignment, Partnership, Membership?. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Homero Gil de Zúñiga:
Democracy Crisis in Europe and Beyond: Social Media and The Effects of the “News Finds me” Perception
Gil de Zúñiga, H., Weeks, B., & Ardèvol-Abreu, A. (2017). Effects of the news-finds-me perception in communication: Social media use implications for news seeking and learning about politics. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 22(3), 105-123.
Gil de Zúñiga, H., & Diehl, T. (2019). News finds me perception and democracy: Effects on political knowledge, political interest, and voting. New media & society, 21(6), 1253-1271.
Prem Kumar Rajaram
Border Crisis?: Governing Human Mobility in Europe and Beyond
Khosravi, S. (2007). The ‘illegal’traveller: an auto‐ethnography of borders. Social Anthropology, 15(3), 321-334.
Rajaram, P. K. (2015). Beyond crisis: Rethinking the population movements at Europe’s border. FocaalBlog, Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 19.
Sophie Lecheler:
Fear and Loathing in the Newsroom? The Role of Emotions in Safeguarding Quality Journalism
Brader, T. (2005). Striking a responsive chord: How political ads motivate and persuade voters by appealing to emotions. American Journal of Political Science, 49(2), 388-405.
Beckett, C., & Deuze, M. (2016). On the role of emotion in the future of journalism. Social Media+ Society, 2(3), 1-6.
Nikolaus Forgó:
De iure and de facto - How (not) to regulate Information Technology in Europe
Forgó, N. (2019, April 12). Digitale Ausweispflicht: Das türkis-blaue Wohlverhaltensgesetz. Der Standard. Retrieved from
Birgit Sauer:
Right-wing populism, Gender and the Web
Tsagkroni, V., & Lazaridis, G. (2017). Perceptions of gender: the discourse of the far right on the web. In M. Pajnik & B. Sauer (Eds.), Populism and the Web(pp. 146-164). New York, NY: Routledge.
Sauer, B., Kuhar, R., Ajanović, E., & Saarinen, A. (2017). Exclusive intersections: constructions of gender and sexuality. In G. Lazaridis & G. Campani (Eds.), The Rise of the Far Right in Europe: Populist Shifts and ‘Othering’, London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Oliver Rathkolb:
Is European Liberal Democracy in Crisis? A Historical Perspective
Alexander Wrabetz:
Public Lecture
Demokratie. Öffentlich-rechtliche Medien und ihr Beitrag zu einer Europäischen Öffentlichkeit.
Peter Bajomi-Lazar:
The Putinisation of the Media System in Hungary?
Bajomi-Lázár, P. (2017). Between neutrality and engagement: Political journalism in Hungary. Central European Journal of Communication, 10(18), 48-63.
Bajomi-Lázár, P., & Horváth, D. (2013). The continued relevance of the concept of propaganda: Propaganda as ritual in contemporary Hungary. Global Media and Communication, 9(3), 219-237.
Matthias Karmasin:
Refinanzierungskrise und Medienmarktversagen als demokratiepolitische Herausforderung
Voci, D., Karmasin, M., Nölleke-Przybylski, P., Altmeppen, K. D., Möller, J., & von Rimscha, M. B. (2019). What is a media company today? Rethinking theoretical and empirical definitions. SCM Studies in Communication and Media, 8(1), 29-52.
Eberwein, T., Fengler, S., Kaufmann, K., Brinkmann, J., Karmasin, M., & Karamasin, M. (2017). Summary: Measuring Media Accountability in Europe. In T. Eberwein, S. Fengler & M. Karmasin (Eds.), The European Handbook of Media Accountability(pp. 285-300). London, New York: Routledge.