The overarching aim of the project Driving Sustainable Climate Transition of Video-On-Demand Platforms at a Time of Transformation (StreamSCAPES) is to initiate a new era of thinking and acting in order to make the production, consumption and decision-making processes in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) sustainable. The focus is on video-on-demand (VOD) platforms, which play a central role within audiovisual and cultural ecosystems. 

StreamSCAPES has three main approaches:

  • Analysis and evaluation of the sustainability potential of VOD platforms
    The project is examining how the processes of these platforms can be made more environmentally-friendly.
  • Promoting innovative ideas through VOD platforms
    In a pilot project, so-called "hubs" will be set up to develop new, future-oriented ideas. Particular emphasis will be placed on involving children and adolescents in this creative process.
  • Examining the potential of VOD platforms for sustainable transformation
    In collaboration with the European Industrial Strategy and the European Green Deal, the project will test how these platforms can contribute to a sustainable climate change.

In addition to several universities, eight key stakeholders are involved in the project, including several European VOD platforms, which are jointly collecting and evaluating data and best practices. Specifically, the following measures are to be implemented during the course of the project:

  • Development of methods to measure the carbon footprint of VOD platforms and the introduction of an initial sustainability certificate for this industry.
  • Establishing "business clinics" to advise VOD platforms on how to make their business models more sustainable.
  • Creating a "StreamSCAPES Dashboard" that makes data – such as the carbon footprint of VOD platforms – publicly available. This dashboard is aimed at policy makers, professionals and citizens.
  • Identification of underutilized strategies that VOD platforms can use to increase their contribution to sustainable transformation.
  • Publication of a "first-aid kit handbook" for professionals in the VOD, cultural and creative industries, as well as for citizens. This handbook is designed to help them actively contribute to sustainable transformation. A particular focus is on inspiring and involving children and young people in the innovation process.

The project team aims to actively lead the VOD industry toward a more sustainable future and to demonstrate new ways in which digital platforms can have a positive impact on the environment and society.

StreamSCAPES is an international research project coordinated by the Université de Liège, Belgium. The sub-project at our Department is led by Katharine Sarikakis. In total, the EU is providing around € 465,000 for the implementation at the University of Vienna as part of its Horizon Europe program.

Further information on the consortium and project can be accessed through the EU's research documentation system CORDIS.

Driving Sustainable Climate Transition of Video-On-Demand Platforms at a Time of Transformation

Funding Organization: European Union • Program: Horizon Europe
PI: Katharine Sarikakis
Duration: 2025-2028
Funding: € 446.640,29
Total Project Funding (all partners): € 3.590.091,12