Panel Discussion: Challenges for Politics and Education
for Youth and Media in EUROPE

Date: September 18-21

Location: 2022 RIPE conference, Department of Communication, Vienna

Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism.In this panel, discussants address the question as to what extent and in which ways, society fulfills the informational needs of young people and in which ways encourages systemic responses within the context of misinformation, suspicion, and manipulation on the one hand and critique, scepticism and enquiry on the other. Panelists from the world of scholarship, policy, media and public service draw on their particular roles and functions to provide ways in which thought and action can be directed towards the recognition and flourishing of enabling environments for young people's pro-democratic engagement.


•  Friso Roscam Abbing, Fundamental Rights Agency

•  Majlinda Aliu, Program Editor and Journalist at Radio Television Kosovo

•  Klaus Unterberger, ORF Public Value

•  Gisela Reiter, University of Applied Sciences, Vienna

•  Florian Malcher, Austrian Youthpress


Host: Katharine Sarikakis
Coordinator: Oleksandra Gudkova

The panel is sponsored by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (FREuDE). Further, more detailed information on the FREuDE project as well as Katharine Sarikakis's Media Governance & Industries Research Lab can be accessed here.